- Главная
- О нас
Корпоративный офис Awesome
- Программы
Английский для детей
Профессиональный английский
- Зачисление
Малазийские студенты
Иностранные студенты
- Сотрудничество
- Студенческая жизнь
- Новости и события
- Наши адреса
Awesome Academy will provide you with all of the cutting-edge tools and training needed to make your Awesome Center the leading language center in your region. The system needs to be professionally implemented in each market, that is why an in depth understanding of the market, its habits and circumstances plus a business network are necessary to effectively launch a successful business.
We are looking for partners who have the resources, local market knowledge, and business background to become our partners. The main components to successfully open and operate an Awesome English Center are business skills and financial resources. Our partners ought to have a network of business acquaintances in the territory and a strong marketing and sales background. They will also need to have the sufficient capital to launch and operate the business.
To learn more about Awesome English Franchise, please fill out the form below.